Request information about Xoops and its updates

I used xoops a lot many years ago, but my work has led me to work since on a proprietary cms having removed me from this tool ...

Today, I again need to create a personal site, and I hesitate to return to xoops or launch me on another cms such as wordpress.

Seeing the English and French sites of xoops, I have the impression that they have not moved for 4/5 years ... it worries me a little!
I see that the old kernels and modules are still there and clearly blurs the readability of the latest versions and downloadable ... in short, I'm a little worried about the fact that xoops does not seem to have changed much?

Am I wrong ?

Thanks for your advices !


Re: Request information about Xoops and its updates
  • 2018/8/31 13:43

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11423

  • Since: 2004/4/23

XOOPS is evolving, and being improved, as we speak

XOOPS 2.5.10 release is coming soon...

The fact that XOOPS runs on the latest versions of PHP (like PHP 7.2), and is being tested on the beta version of the upcoming PHP 7.3 , to ensure compatibility, should put your fears to rest

The modules are also being updated:

but we could always use some extra help
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Request information about Xoops and its updates
  • 2018/10/1 19:02

  • MikeShane

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 144

  • Since: 2008/1/5 2

I just did a new install using 7.1 php
I installed latest publisher
excal and ap cal no problem
the newer xcontent would bring a blank page to install modules
I ended up using an older version and it works fine
I will be doing more testing on modules working
Thanks for all your work


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