Unfortunately it looks like Mamba forgot to rewrite part of the install function in the ./include/oninstall.php file. You might try replacing lines 41-64 (the xoops_module_pre_install_wfdownloads function) with:
function xoops_module_pre_install_wfdownloads(XoopsModule $module)
include __DIR__ . '/common.php';
/** @var XoopsModulesWfdownloadsUtility $utility */
$utility = new XoopsModulesWfdownloadsUtility();
//check for minimum XOOPS version
$xoopsSuccess = $utility::checkVerXoops($module);
// check for minimum PHP version
$phpSuccess = $utility::checkVerPhp($module);
if (false !== $xoopsSuccess && false !== $phpSuccess) {
$moduleTables =& $module->getInfo('tables');
foreach ($moduleTables as $table) {
$GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->queryF('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix($table) . ';');
return $xoopsSuccess && $phpSuccess;
That should at least get you past the pre-install check for PHP and XOOPs versions.