rmcommon XOOPS PHP 5.6.16 MYSQL 5.7.9
I'm having some problems with banners and blocks in the xbootstrap theme
BANNERSI have banners disabled and also deleted all the banner clients
According to the template coding if there is a banner, the meta description should be 6 col. If there is NO banner the meta description should be 12 col.
This is not happening. It stays at 6 col.
BLOCKSBlock will only show if they are set to "all pages"
Also, it doesn't matter where you put them they will always try to go to the left, unless there is another block in the way.
For example, if you put a block in "Top Center" it will show in "Top Left"
if you put a block in "Bottom Center" it will show in "Bottom Left"
If you put a block in "Bottom Left" and "Bottom Right" they will show in "Bottom Left" and "Bottom Center"
And these are the only errors I see, which do not relate to the theme
Notice: Undefined index: dirname in file /modules/qpages/events/rmcommon.php line 80
Notice: Undefined index: dirname in file /modules/qpages/events/rmcommon.php line 82
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in file /modules/qpages/events/rmcommon.php line 82
Notice: Undefined index: dirname in file /modules/qpages/events/rmcommon.php line 84