Trying to optimize my site, while moving the js and css code in other locations on the page, load errors of the same by the server is always slow.
Now I'm not sure it can be the server (Shared) to cause this because, from what I read on the documentation of google, it could also be the manager of content that should be better optimized for seo and performance.
Below I quote what he says the page
https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/Server1° -
Gather and inspect existing performance and data. If none is available, evaluate using an automated web application monitoring solution (there are hosted and open source versions available for most platforms), or add custom instrumentation.
2° -
Identify and fix top performance bottlenecks. If you are using a popular web framework, or content management platform, consult the documentation for performance optimization best practices.
3° -
Monitor and alert for any future performance regressions!
For this reason I think it should have a XOOPS documentation that is Enlarged to specify how to arrange the code in your pages, and possibly the type of server to be taken to XOOPS.
The server that hosts my website, for example, suggests you buy a web space that is at least nearly dedicated enough to have both performance and plenty of disk space and more databases or even unlimited.
A large judgment you!