Link for a direct phone call in a web page
  • 2013/5/31 8:54

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 536

  • Since: 2003/6/20


yes, i know, the title is not clear,
but it was hard for me to explain that in 3 words

Perhaps lot of people know yet this, but i discover this functionnality yesterday, surfing on the net with my smartphone (i'm noob with my smartphone, but i like discover all what could i do with it, im so curious...).

ok, ok, alain, let's explain :

In a mail or a web page, if you want that you readers call (phone call) the phone number from their smartphone, on the contact page for example

you should add this code : (french phone number in this example)

<a href="tel:0472xxyyzz">Click here to call the 04 72 xx yy zza>

Result :
When your readers will click on the link, their smartphone directly call the number phone.

Cool, no ?

So I will change my professional signature and my contact page on my web sites.

You already know that ? True ? ok ok, so you can say that i'm old man,

Re: Link for a direct phone call in a web page

This is a somewhat recent addition.
As I understand it the history is like this...
iPhone started to allow the user to click and dial any number displayed on a web page. As far as I know it did not verify if it was a real number or not but allowed the user to click on it to bring them to their dialing screen with the number in the entry.
Android or more specifically I believe it was HTC added this to their interface. Apple sued because they had patented it and any non apple handsets immediately removed this functionality.
I believe this was then "created" to allow users a way to still do this without needing an iPhone but was more of a Hack.

Per this page: http://allwebco-templates.com/support/S_smartphone-link.htm

There is also another type of link as well. I will quote the text directly from the page.


Wtai smartphone link code:
The wtai or "Wireless Telephony Application Interface" link code is shown below. This code is considered to be the correct mobile phone protocol and will work on smartphones like Droid, however, it may not work for Apple Safari on iPhone and the above code is recommended.

Click Here To Call Support 1-847-555-5555

Also note that if you use this type of href you should always include the phone number in the displayed portion so that people can still call it manually. Not to mention older phones may still pick out the number and not recognize the href...

Re: Link for a direct phone call in a web page
  • 2013/6/3 8:41

  • mariane

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 649

  • Since: 2008/1/11

your code is correct but you cant place a call without accessing this page from a mobile.

Re: Link for a direct phone call in a web page
  • 2013/6/3 8:46

  • alain01

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 536

  • Since: 2003/6/20

You mean the Wtai code ?

You mean that the wtai code is only visible from mobile ?

The first code (


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