text editor
  • 2013/3/30 10:28

  • fla-ts

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 204

  • Since: 2005/1/4 1

Hi, I'ts been a few years that I did changes at my website, but I started again.
I manage to change text in TinyContent but it was difficult, the editor seems to be quite changed.
In the download session I have the biggest problem with the accompanying text (information of the download) I cannot change the text, and that is very important to me.
This editor looks strange, when I try to change text with copy/paste from MSWord (the only why to change lettertypes, colors ..) it looks fine but after confirm the changes there’s nothing changed at the website. Chances such as the download file give no problem, just the text does not change
Can anyone help me?
My version is 2.3
Upgrading xoops I dare not, for fear of losing english language module.
Best regards, Fernand

Re: text editor
  • 2013/3/30 15:46

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11416

  • Since: 2004/4/23

You should upgrade to XOOPS 2.5.5 (soon 2.5.6), as it will resolve many issues for you in the future.

You should also update your modules, or the modules that you're using now don't have the right version, to eventually move to other modules that are compatible with XOOPS 2.5.5
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: text editor
  • 2013/3/30 16:18

  • fla-ts

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 204

  • Since: 2005/1/4 1

I'm not an expert in doing this thinks. My website is important for me as it is for my second profession next to my pension.
I'm really scared to lose anything.
Maybe, you can do this things for me if you can, I'm pretty sure I make a mesh.
Please find my email at fla-ts
Best regards, Fernand

Re: text editor
  • 2013/3/30 17:19

  • fla-ts

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 204

  • Since: 2005/1/4 1

Do you know Micheal Beck ???

Re: text editor
  • 2013/3/30 17:41

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11416

  • Since: 2004/4/23

That's me
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: text editor
  • 2013/3/30 18:02

  • Anonymous

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Fernand (fla-ts) has also put his question in the Dutch forum. The site is made with xoops 2.3, modules used are WFDownloads 3.2, Tiny Content 1.5, Tiny editor (as a separate module) and Xlanguage 3. It looks like the initial idea was to make it a Dutch/ English site with two languages, but the English part shows 'under construction' in most articles...

Fernand gave me a login, I tested and it looks like the downloads module has a serious problem when adding a new download. Could be due to a php upgrade as xoops 2.3 is rather old, but xoops 2.3 had no server environment check so I am not sure about that...

I agree with Mamba a xoops/ module upgrade must be done. Also to prevent further malfunction in future... It's not just updating software as it is not clear to me if there are current versions of Tiny Content and WFDownloads, and what about Xlanguage???

So asking one of us to volunteer to upgrade your site is not an option, more work has to be done besides just updating. It could be you need a new/other content module so all has to be moved.... I would advice you to hire someone to do the job for you Fernand. If you place an advert here on xoops.org I am sure you find someone willing to help you for a reasonable price.

Re: text editor
  • 2013/3/30 18:46

  • fla-ts

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 204

  • Since: 2005/1/4 1

If I don't find a volontier it's the end of my profession.
Micheal ask a lot of money for it, more than I get in 3 months of it.
And I'm that still thinking that Xoops lives on free donations,

Re: text editor

Xoops is and always will be a free platform with many free modules and applications. If you can program in PHP and understand HTML and all related to it you can have a very nice system. If you can't do all you need then you need someone to help you with it and very very few people are going to offer up free services on their own time. Computer work in most of the world is very expensive to pay for. It is not uncommon for people to pay upwards of $150 an hour for services. It is reasonable for even beginners that can muddle their way through to charge in the area of $20-40 an hour.

Your best bet is to use commonly used modules and if someone is working on a module you like and you would like to have a couple features added then that is doable and you can ask for features and they may or may not add them.

In general if you want someone to do the work for you you will be paying for it and computer work is generally expensive. Even to someone making $40,000 or more a year.

Re: text editor
  • 2013/3/30 19:23

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

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And I'm that still thinking that Xoops lives on free donations

You make a mistake Fernand. Xoops and the modules are made by volunteers putting much of their time in developing them. Xoops is not our profession but something we do in our spare time, and many of us loose money instead of earning money with Xoops. I maintain nlxoops.nl and pay the monthly bill for hosting as a private person, I also know the hosting of xoops.org costs more then the donations made...

We are all more the willing to help each other when there are problems with maintaining sites, xoops or modules. But don't ask us to build your site for you. Remember: you can already use xoops and the modules because of many volunteers!


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