Hey Redheadedrod,
That sounds close, ideally. On and offline status too. Is your version current?.
Thanks zyspec, I will try that xoopsmembers module, however the last message in the thread you linked to raises concerns. I have had my share of drive-by white screen modules.
This is also an appeal to solicit opinion from anyone, as I am spending more brainpower than is good for me trying to determine where the magic red line should exist between user expectations of privacy (and what in the world those even are), and their expectations of what should be reasonably publicly available.
Mamba, you are a marketing guy, so you might understand something about the market psychology as it relates to social site users.
In a public context for a social network, many users want a way to become aware of other users, their interests, their online status, and have the ability to contact users that potentially interest them. If there is no means to research other users, their interests due to the absence of a directory, they feel cut off, lose interest and go elsewhere.
But on the same site there are BYO users that only want to be with those in their own group/distant family and want privacy from public access, but transparent to their own group. They do not care to be listed or contacted, friend requested, or have their online status viewed by unknowns. This is probably a third or less of all users.
Knowing you can't please all of the people all of the time, what is that magic level of public user/status availability that is reasonable across the entire social media site, given existing or prospective XOOPS capabilities?