First you have to add the alias to the remote side of mIRC scripts with the following function put into the remote part of the scripts with mIRC Scripts.
::JSON Alias for mIRC and Tweet Alias for Tweeting::
;;;Basic JSON PARSER for MIRC;;;
alias json {
if ($isid) {
;name of the com interface declared so I don't have to type it over and over again :D
var %c = jsonidentifier,%x = 2,%str,%p,%v
;if the interface hasnt been open and initialized, do it.
if (!$com(%c)) {
.comopen %c MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
;add two javascript functions for getting json from urls and files
noop $com(%c,language,4,bstr,jscript) $com(%c,addcode,1,bstr,function httpjson(url) $({,0) y=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"GET",encodeURI(url),false);y.send();return y.responseText; $(},0))
noop $com(%c,addcode,1,bstr,function filejson (file) $({,0) x = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); txt1 = x.OpenTextFile(file,1); txt2 = txt1.ReadAll(); txt1.Close(); return txt2; $(},0))
;add function to securely evaluate json
noop $com(%c,addcode,1,bstr,function str2json (json) $({,0) return !(/[^,:{}[]0-9.-+Eaeflnr-u nrt]/.test(json.replace(/"(\.|[^"\])*"/g, ''))) && eval('(' + json + ')'); $(},0))
;add a cache for urls
noop $com(%c,addcode,1,bstr,urlcache = {})
if (!$timer(jsonclearcache)) { .timerjsonclearcache -o 0 300 jsonclearcache }
;get the list of parameters
while (%x <= $0) {
%p = $($+($,%x),2)
if (%p == $null) { noop }
elseif (%p isnum || $qt($noqt(%p)) == %p) { %str = $+(%str,[,%p,]) }
else { %str = $+(%str,[",%p,"]) }
inc %x
if ($prop == count) { %str = %str $+ .length }
;check to see if source is file
if ($isfile($1)) {
if ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr,$+(str2json,$chr(40),filejson,$chr(40),$qt($replace($1,,\,;,u003b)),$chr(41),$chr(41),%str))) { return $com(%c).result }
;check to see if source is url
elseif (http://* iswm $1) {
;if url is in cache, used cached data
if ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr,$+(str2json,$chr(40),urlcache[,$replace($qt($1),;,u003b),],$chr(41),%str))) { return $com(%c).result }
;otherwise, get data
elseif ($com(%c,executestatement,1,bstr,$+(urlcache[,$replace($qt($1),;,u003b),]) = $+(httpjson,$chr(40),$qt($1),$chr(41)))) {
if ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr,$+(str2json,$chr(40),urlcache[,$replace($qt($1),;,u003b),],$chr(41),%str))) { return $com(%c).result }
;get data from inputted json
elseif ($com(%c,eval,1,bstr,$+(x=,$replace($1,;,u003b),;,x,%str,;))) { return $com(%c).result }
alias jsonclearcache { if ($com(jsonidentifier)) { noop $com(jsonidentifier,executestatement,1,bstr,urlcache = {}) } }
;;;Basic Tweet from MIRC;;;
;;;Syntax: $tweet(,)
;;;Requires $json
;;;Returns: array( 'CODE' => (integer) )
;;;Error Codes: CODE = 300 (Message to short dropped and ignores, < 10 characters)
;;; CODE = 200 (Message sucessfully tweeted)
;;; CODE = 100 (Message unsucessfully tweeted due to limits but stored for when channel goes quiet!)
alias tweet {
;Webmaster Username @
var %website_username = cej
;MD5 to be secure, use hashcalc or open text
var %website_password = cb8fg5432134432b726dace42cb1d37
;Url to REST API
var %url = $+ $1 $+ &message= $+ $2 $+ &username= $+ %website_username $+ &password= $+ %website_password
return $json(%url)
You then have to create the plugin for X-Rest 1.52 on XOOPS 2.5.x to talk to twitterbomb 1.27 classes systems.
This interacts when the alias function detects a rude comment tweets it via the X-REST 1.52 API Plugin, or schedules it be tweeted later if you have had the channel go quiet and you have met your hourly tweet limit through TwitterBomb 1.27 Class Structures with this X-REST 1.52 Plugin: This in this example is for the channel #php.
::X-Rest Plugin for Tweeting::
function tweet_xsd(){
$xsd = array();
$xsd['request'][$i++] = array("name" => "username", "type" => "string");
$xsd['request'][$i++] = array("name" => "password", "type" => "string");
$xsd['request'][$i++] = array("name" => "nick", "type" => "string");
$xsd['request'][$i++] = array("name" => "message", "type" => "string");
$xsd['response'][$i++] = array("name" => "ERRNUM", "type" => "integer");
$xsd['response'][$i++] = array("name" => "RESULT", "type" => "string");
$xsd['response'][$i++] = array("name" => "CODE", "type" => "string");
return $xsd;
function tweet_wsdl(){
function tweet_wsdl_service(){
function tweet($username, $password, $nick, $message)
if (strlen($message)<10||(!strpos($message, 'a')&&!strpos($message, 'e')&&!strpos($message, 'i')&&!strpos($message, 'o')&&!strpos($message, 'u'))) {
return array('CODE' => 300);
global $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsConfig;
if ($xoopsModuleConfig['site_user_auth']==1){
if ($ret = check_for_lock(basename(__FILE__),$username,$password)) { return $ret; }
if (!checkright(basename(__FILE__),$username,$password)) {
return array('ErrNum'=> 9, "ErrDesc" => 'No Permission for plug-in');
$GLOBALS['myts'] = MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
$module_handler = xoops_gethandler('module');
$config_handler = xoops_gethandler('config');
$GLOBALS['twitterbombModule'] = $module_handler->getByDirname('twitterbomb');
$GLOBALS['twitterbombModuleConfig'] = $config_handler->getConfigList($GLOBALS['twitterbombModule']->getVar('mid'));
$tweet = '#'.str_replace(array('@', '+', '%'), '', $nick).' - '.twitterbomb_TweetString(htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($message)), $GLOBALS['twitterbombModuleConfig']['scheduler_aggregate'], $GLOBALS['twitterbombModuleConfig']['scheduler_wordlength']);
$log_handler=xoops_getmodulehandler('log', 'twitterbomb');
$scheduler_handler=xoops_getmodulehandler('scheduler', 'twitterbomb');
$oauth_handler=xoops_getmodulehandler('oauth', 'twitterbomb');
$urls_handler=xoops_getmodulehandler('urls', 'twitterbomb');
$oauth = $oauth_handler->getRootOauth(true);
$ret = XoopsCache::read('tweetbomb_scheduler_'.md5('2'.'2'));
if ($scheduler_handler->getCount(new Criteria('text', $tweet, 'LIKE'))==0) {
$schedule = $scheduler_handler->create();
$schedule->setVar('cid', '2');
$schedule->setVar('catid', '2');
$schedule->setVar('mode', 'direct');
$schedule->setVar('pre', '#sex');
$schedule->setVar('text', $tweet);
$schedule->setVar('uid', user_uid($username, $password));
$schedule->setVar('when', time());
$schedule->setVar('tweeted', 0);
$schedule = $scheduler_handler->get($scheduler_handler->insert($schedule, true));
$url = $urls_handler->getUrl($schedule->getVar('cid'), $schedule->getVar('catid'));
$link = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/twitterbomb/go.php?sid='.$schedule->getVar('sid').'&cid='.$schedule->getVar('cid').'&catid='.$schedule->getVar('catid').'&uri='.urlencode( sprintf($url, urlencode(str_replace(array('#', '@'), '',$tweet))));
$log = $log_handler->create();
$log->setVar('provider', 'scheduler');
$log->setVar('cid', $schedule->getVar('cid'));
$log->setVar('catid', $schedule->getVar('catid'));
$log->setVar('sid', $schedule->getVar('sid'));
$log->setVar('url', $link);
$log->setVar('tweet', substr($tweet,0,139));
$log->setVar('tags', twitterbomb_ExtractTags($tweet));
$log = $log_handler->get($lid = $log_handler->insert($log, true));
$link = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/twitterbomb/go.php?sid='.$schedule->getVar('sid').'&cid='.$schedule->getVar('cid').'&lid='.$lid.'&catid='.$schedule->getVar('catid').'&uri='.urlencode( sprintf($url, urlencode(str_replace(array('#', '@'), '',$tweet))));
$link = twitterbomb_shortenurl($link);
$log->setVar('url', $link);
$log = $log_handler->get($lid = $log_handler->insert($log, true));
if ($id = $oauth->sendTweet($schedule->getVar('pre').' '.$tweet, $link, true)) {
$schedule->setVar('tweeted', time());
$scheduler_handler->insert($schedule, true);
if ($GLOBALS['twitterbombModuleConfig']['tags']) {
$tag_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('tag', 'tag');
$tag_handler->updateByItem(twitterbomb_ExtractTags($tweet), $lid, $GLOBALS['twitterbombModule']->getVar("dirname"), $schedule->getVar('catid'));
$log->setVar('id', $id);
$log->setVar('alias', $nick);
$log_handler->insert($log, true);
$ret[]['title'] = $tweet;
$ret[sizeof($ret)]['link'] = $link;
$ret[sizeof($ret)]['description'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($tweet);
$ret[sizeof($ret)]['lid'] = $lid;
$ret[sizeof($ret)]['sid'] = $schedule->getVar('sid');
if (count($ret)>$GLOBALS['twitterbombModuleConfig']['scheduler_items']) {
foreach($ret as $key => $value) {
if (count($ret)>$GLOBALS['twitterbombModuleConfig']['scheduler_items'])
XoopsCache::write('tweetbomb_scheduler_'.md5('2'.'2'), $ret, ($GLOBALS['twitterbombModuleConfig']['interval_of_cron']+$GLOBALS['twitterbombModuleConfig']['scheduler_cache'])*100);
XoopsCache::read('tweetbomb_channel_last', array('last'=>time()), 60*70);
return array('CODE' => 200);
} else {
$schedule->setVar('tweeted', 0);
$scheduler_handler->insert($schedule, true);
XoopsCache::read('tweetbomb_channel_last', array('last'=>time()), 60*70);
@$log_handler->delete($log, true);
return array('CODE' => 100);
} else {
XoopsCache::read('tweetbomb_channel_last', array('last'=>time()), 60*70);
return array('CODE' => 100);
then you need to activate the scanning for it with the following code in remote of mirc as well
::channel scanning::
on 1:TEXT:*:#php:tweet($nick, $$1-)