Over the years here at XOOPS I have noticed the occasional request for Prochatrooms to be added to the modules, this is NONE GNU code which means it cannot be freely downloaded.
I recently got in contact with Prochatrooms and retrieved a licence from them and developer for XOOPS 2.5 - Prochatrooms 7.07 which is a module that opperates and behaves from the PCR code to make a chat rooms which are intergrated with XOOPS.
You will be able to soon get the Module from
http://www.prochatrooms.com or by emailing the support desk after purchasing it you will be able to download the module from a ticket.
Prochatrooms support some of the following features:
- Room based Chat
- Webcam Chat (with plugin)
- Event Based Chat (with plugin)
- Invisible Moderators (With plugin)
- User Groups
- Much Much More
if you are having problems with obtaining prochatrooms for XOOPS as we are just in discussion with PCR about distribution and support methods then please contact me by email and I will do my best to help you.