Yes it is possible, but it involves a hack and generation of a script for logging the user in.. Not to difficult, would take me around 20 minutes for the script to be written, however, the mail function would take a little more maybe another 20 minutes or so.
I suggest you have a link like so:
To generate the passkey which is like a password only logs you in you could make the following MD5 i would say
$passkey = md5($user->getVar('pass').XOOPS_LICENSE_KEY.date('Ymdh'));
You would then need a string that matched the passkey based on the amount of time you want to enable this, I suggest 2 days for example which is 48 hours so you do a loop on the incoming with a piece of code like this:
//Taken and adapted from profile 1.67 - from dojsonvalidate.php
function checkpasskey($key, $user) {
$minseed = strtotime(date('Y-m-d h:i'));
$diff = intval(((48*3600)/2));
if ($key==md5($user->getVar('pass').XOOPS_LICENSE_KEY.date('Ymdh', $step)))
return true;
return false;
Once that passkey is matched then you can log the user in by setting the session then doing a redirect_header(XOOPS_URL, 10, _WELCOME); to place them at the front screen.
If you want me to do it is $70 AUD an hour.. Contact me on skype.