Made changes to XIM, now preloads blanks entire site despite restoring
  • 2011/3/17 22:48

  • Mazarin

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 533

  • Since: 2008/12/10

I have an urgent problem that I just can't figure out.

I made a change to XIM (to make it not conflict with extGallery jQuery effects), which after a minute or so gave me a complete blank screen on the entire site, doesn't matter if it's front or back end. Blanks the debug as well. I restored the old file, but the problem persists!

I have located the catalyst (though probably not the cause) in xim/preloads/core.php and if I remove that file I can at least get my site to work, but as soon as insert it again the site goes blank. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall XIM but to no effect.

Is something regarding the preloads stored in the db somewhere, so that a conflict can still be in place even if I uninstall a module or restore files? I really don't know what the heck is happening here.

I also touched another thing, but I don't see how that can affect things since I also restored everything there. Anyway, here's what I did:
1. Added the line
var $ = JQuery;
to xim/preloads/core.php (file has been restored to original state now)

2. Moved s3slider js script from theme.html to an article in Content module (article has been restored as well as theme.html, however the blank screen is also in admin side and is still there even if theme is changed)

Why oh why is my site blank? Please help!

Re: Made changes to XIM, now preloads blanks entire site despite restoring
  • 2011/3/17 23:17

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

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Is something regarding the preloads stored in the db somewhere, so that a conflict can still be in place even if I uninstall a module or restore files?

No, preloads are not stored.
Since you get a blank page in admin side you should double check xim preloads, xim xoops_version.php and xim language modinfo.php.

I would delete xim folder and upload fresh version.

Re: Made changes to XIM, now preloads blanks entire site despite restoring
  • 2011/3/17 23:44

  • Mazarin

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 533

  • Since: 2008/12/10

Yes, I've completely reinstalled the files from scratch and I don't think it's XIM per se that is the problem. What XIM does is
class XimCorePreload extends XoopsPreloadItem
, but I can comment out all code in that extension of the class, so it would seem that it is the class XoopsPreloadItem that somehow conflicts with something in conjunction with XIM and potentially something else on the site.

Please note that I've installed copies of the theme, content module + content, and XIM on clean install of xoops and they work fine. Those were the only things I changed (and I have the same symptom on both a test and a production server, so I find it rather unlikely that I would make some random mistake to cause the same error on both servers). I just can't figure out what I did to cause this, and what the problem is

Re: Made changes to XIM, now preloads blanks entire site despite restoring
  • 2011/3/18 5:55

  • Mazarin

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 533

  • Since: 2008/12/10

Maybe the question should be, how do you debug when something is wrong with the preloads, since normal debug doesn'twork then?

Re: Made changes to XIM, now preloads blanks entire site despite restoring
  • 2011/3/18 10:57

  • Mazarin

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 533

  • Since: 2008/12/10

I've restored the sites from complete backups now, so we might as well close this thread.

Re: Made changes to XIM, now preloads blanks entire site despite restoring
  • 2011/3/18 12:00

  • Mamba

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I will leave open for the time being, in case somebody will have a similar situation.
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Re: Made changes to XIM, now preloads blanks entire site despite restoring

Hello guys,

I had a similar problem, but I haven't changed anything in XIM, just installed and the whole site became blank! I uninstalled it and everything went back to normal.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Re: Made changes to XIM, now preloads blanks entire site despite restoring
  • 2014/9/6 17:38

  • culex

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 711

  • Since: 2004/9/23

Looks like it may be getting a fatal error. Could be some functions changed.. I'll give it a look soon :)


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