I'm trying to implement jQueryUI autocomplete widget using a local datasource and I can't figure out what value I'm suppose to use for the 'source:' attribute.
If I reference a var then it works fine but if I reference a file (say suggest.php) then the code inside suggest.php is never executed. It appears that jqueryUI autocomplete is looking at a specific location (directory) but I can't figure out where to locate the suggest.php file.
The code inside suggest.php works fine if I call it directly
http://mysite/modules/mymodule/suggest.php?term=search_valueI've tried locating the suggest.php file in the module directory, the main Xoops directory, the /Frameworks/jquery directory, the theme directory...
The javascript 'snippet' looks like this:
$( "#termbox" ).autocomplete({
source: "suggest.php",
minLength: 3,