Zetagenesis Themes help
  • 2011/2/8 1:05

  • diazhenry

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2011/2/7 4

Hello, I have a website for my class and I am using various zetagenesis themes. My issue that the columns do not expand correctly. On my desktop (22 inch monitor), When i have the window maximized there are no problems. When I reduce the size of it, the top banner will become smaller but the custom blocks will remain large. Same goes when I load the site on a mobile device (small screen) or a small laptop.

I also notice that there is a change in font, that is when I go from home screen to a section where I post contents.

Here's the link for the site, any ideas I will appreciate it.


Re: Zetagenesis Themes help
  • 2011/2/8 22:31

  • madDan

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 105

  • Since: 2010/1/6 1

I think it's your photo's block that is causing the problem, try removing the bullet or scaling the thumbnails smaller. It is pushing the centre block over.

Also your centre column is a fixed width so it isn't scaling with the page opening size - I think the header scales to the page size so anything wider will over run the visible edge of the header.


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