hi everybody!
i was looking for a cms that should be easya to manage and provide few things i was looking for like a
-possibility to moderate the coments/posts made by users..
so xoops seemed quite promising with modules for several wiki's and forums..
so i installed it (2.4.5) on my virtaulmachine for testing..
first: you should clearly state in the installation what rights are needed by whom. i.e. 777 permissions to xoops_data/caches i.e. ..cos "write" is not equal "execute" on unix based systems..
(i had 766 permissions for the data folders, but 777 (executable) are needed..)
but hey...i figured it out somehow...
next step...create some pages and check the user rights management...
well...create some html pages...hmm...how??
done some reading.. modules needed for that (just btw. every other cms has a buildin ability to do that...)
so i looked on the xoops page for the default modlue to create static content...is there one? ot just comunity contributed modules?
i'll leave that for later i thougt to myself..
so what about a forum module? again browsing the modules on the xoops page...
ahh..forums modules..sorted by popularity..
newBB 2 ..ok download...
The "XOOPS2_mod_newbb2.02_PredPhpp.zip" file could not be found or is not available. Please select another file. ok..last updated 2005? wtf??
lets try another one: CBB (newbb) 3.0.8
at least updated 12/2007 ...redirected to some chinease page..wtf???
ok another try: x-forum 4.12 (sees to be the newest..)
finaly not a dead link..but how to upload/install this?
https://xoops.org/modules/mediawiki/index.php/2.11.2._Uploading_the_moduleempty page..so no information there..
ask mr google...ahh..ok..unpack upload...install..
wow..its working...
i could continue here...
xoops really looks promising...but the blanks in the documentation and the bunch of old and dead links and descriptions in the module repository are really a pain in te ass for a "starter"...