in order to use xreaggregator module with arabic websites, I have to add a new RSS Encoding : window-1256
I edit many files in include folder (as aggregation.addnew.form.php and aggregation.edit.form.php ...etc) and I added the new encoding, and below an example :
$form->addElement(new XoopsFormText(_AM_ORDER, 'xreaggregator_weight', 4, 3, 0)); $enc_sel = new XoopsFormSelect(_AM_ENCODING, 'xreaggregator_encoding', 'window-1256');
$enc_sel->addOptionArray(array('utf-8' => 'UTF-8', 'window-1256' => 'window-1256','iso-8859-1' => 'ISO-8859-1', 'us-ascii' => 'US-ASCII'));
I can now choose successfully the new encoding from the list, but the problem is I still see question marks (???) in the block instead words.
So I need to know if what I did is correct or there is another way to implent the new encoding,
thanks for helping.
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