liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/2 7:26

  • belia

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im using xforms and liaise in my sites

right now the send method i chose is email

when i received a new feedback email
the title of email is title of the form

it would be great if a custom field that i made in the particular form is append to the title in the email

name of form - Feeback form
example custom title - Feeback title

example of email title : Feeback Form - Feedback Title

does anyone know how to hack the module files to achieve this ?

Re: liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/2 9:58

  • Dylian

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 237

  • Since: 2007/7/21

Nice idea, i'll add this to xForms for sure. I'll post the hack here as soon as i can .

Greets Dylian.

BTW I'm hoping to release the final/rtu version of xforms this month, as the release has been delayed for a long time.

Re: liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/2 13:53

  • Dylian

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 237

  • Since: 2007/7/21

Ok, this is harder to do then i thought, i'll definitly add it to xForms but as i'm not familiar with the code of liaise (/xforms) it may take some time...

If someone knows how to add it please report, then i'll add it to xForms.

In the meanwhile i'll keep trying myself to, hoping i'll find a way to do it.

Greets Dylian

Re: liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/13 1:54

  • Burning

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1163

  • Since: 2006/8/22

hi' Dylian

Could I suggest a new feature ?

There is an option for each form wich allow to point to page you want (per default, if you do not enter any url, it is home page).

This option is very interesting : most of the time I create a cusom page to confirm sending. Something like :
"Thank you for contacting us. Your request will be processed as soon as possible..."

However it would be nice and more easy, instead of creating a customized page, to have a template directly in xforms : when message is sent, template is displayed.

I believe option currently available is useful (eg when website has many forms). But a template would be nice too.

ps: I can't do it myself, I don't know anything about php

Re: liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/13 17:39

  • Dylian

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 237

  • Since: 2007/7/21

That would be a great feature to add indeed.
But i'm currently rewriting xForms from scratch, based on [THIS] (AJAX form creator/editor).

The complete rewrite is also the reason i didn't release a final/rtu version of xForms yet.

And after i've released the first final version of xFroms i'll look into the submitted feature requests. (Such as an API for other modules to get the submitted data, plugin based captcha, custom field as mail/pm subject and your template request.)

Greets Dylian.

BTW i hope to release the RTT(/beta) version before the end of January, but because i can't predict how much homework i'll get it may take longer.=

Re: liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/13 18:30

  • Burning

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1163

  • Since: 2006/8/22

Thanks for your response

I wish you good luck for all these developments.

Re: liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/13 19:15

  • Mamba

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Fantastic news!

I'm looking forward to this new re-written module. The Ajax-Form-Builder looks great! We definitely should use it more often within XOOPS, so I am glad to see you doing the implementation - I hope, other module developers will be able to learn from your experience and incorporate it in their modules.

Possibility to select a recipient in a contact form ?
  • 2010/1/16 22:13

  • fdeconiac

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Hi everyone,

Do you know a form or contact module (maybe xform?) that allow FOR THE SUBMITTER to choose/select the recipient/target?

Like a list field where the submitter could select a group (if authorized) or a member or a custom list (like director, comercial, technical... eventualy hiding the real email)

Tks for your answers

Re: liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/16 22:45

  • Burning

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1163

  • Since: 2006/8/22


I'm quite sure that Formulize allows you to create such form. Formulize is the most powerful Contact form generator for XOOPS (and I doubt that other CMS has such fantastic tool )

For more information, you should contact FreeFormSolutions.ca support

Re: liaise/xforms - custom field as email title ?
  • 2010/1/16 22:47

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

Tks Burning,

I will try it!


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