I am using the module Umfrage to conduct voting on our site, due to its ability to do blind polls. When I view logs with more that 30 votes, there is a link to "next" to view the next page of votes. This points to the URL:
However, when I click on the Next link, the first (that is the current) page just reloads. If I manually change the URL to, say, start=30&limit=200, the resulting page shows all the votes (as long as there are no more than 200) but still starts at vote #1. It seems that the module is not respecting the start=30 term. Can anyone suggest a fix for this? I could not find any reference to this bug in a search.
Xoops 2.3.3
Umfrage 1.05
PHP 5.2.9
mySQL 5.0.81