If you right mouse click and check the source on this page you will notice the keywords
Required,Share,Anti,Keyword,Stuffing,Hack appear at the beginning of meta_keywords. This is because of an additional bit of code you need to add so that each page has a unique set of keywords otherwise the domain is measuring higher than normal keyword stuffing in search engines (SEO).. this is the code for a meta keyword with a smarty template:
<meta name="keywords" content="<{php}>$pg_title = $this->_tpl_vars['xoops_pagetitle'].','.$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_sitename'];
$pg_title = str_replace(' ',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('-',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('|',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(':',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('!',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('?',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('=',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('&',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(')','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('(','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('[','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(']','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('{','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace('}','',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(' and ',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(' the ',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title = str_replace(',,',',',$pg_title);
$pg_title .= ",".$this->_tpl_vars['xoops_meta_keywords'];
$pg_array = explode(",",$pg_title);
$pg_array = array_unique($pg_array);
echo implode(",",$pg_array);<{/php}>" />
The other edition is the AddThis button you can see in the top left.. the code for that is embedded and doesn't change.. Thanks...