i've XOOPS 2.3.2b + smartsection 2.14 + tinycontent 1.6
when i activate fckeditor the pages containing textarea are stopped, and textarea is not showed
i try to set safe_mode on and off with no results
this is the configuration:
Versione XOOPS - XOOPS 2.3.2
Versione PHP - 5.0.4
Versione MySQL - 5.0.45-log
Versione Server API - apache2handler
Versione OS - Linux
safe_mode - Off
register_globals - On
magic_quotes_gpc - Off
allow_url_fopen - On
fsockopen - On
allow_call_time_pass_reference - Off
post_max_size - 12M
max_input_time - 60
output_buffering - 4096
max_execution_time - 120
memory_limit - -1
file_uploads - On
upload_max_filesize - 25M
php extensions:
* yp
* xml
* wddx
* tokenizer
* sysvshm
* sysvsem
* sysvmsg
* standard
* sockets
* SimpleXML
* shmop
* session
* pspell
* posix
* pcre
* mime_magic
* iconv
* gmp
* gettext
* ftp
* exif
* dio
* dbx
* curl
* ctype
* calendar
* bz2
* zlib
* openssl
* libxml
* apache2handler
* dom
* gd
* imap
* mbstring
* mysql
* mysqli
* xsl
* ionCube Loader
any idea? thanks very much