I am having a problem i have done a fresh install of XOOPS 2.3.1 and it is not detecting modules. even protector and thadmin are not being detected and they are default with 2.3.1 so can some help me figure this out.
System Overview «
XOOPS Version - XOOPS 2.3.1
PHP Version - 5.2.6
MySQL Version - 5.0.67-community
Server API Version - apache2handler
OS Version - Linux
safe_mode - Off
register_globals - Off
magic_quotes_gpc - On
allow_url_fopen - On
fsockopen - On
allow_call_time_pass_reference - On
post_max_size - 8M
max_input_time - 60
output_buffering -
max_execution_time - 30
memory_limit - 32M
file_uploads - On
upload_max_filesize - 2M
Loaded PHP extensions «
* zip
* xmlwriter
* libxml
* dom
* xmlreader
* xml
* tokenizer
* session
* pcre
* SimpleXML
* sockets
* SQLite
* standard
* Reflection
* posix
* pgsql
* mysqli
* mysql
* mime_magic
* mhash
* mcrypt
* mbstring
* json
* imap
* iconv
* hash
* gettext
* gd
* ftp
* filter
* date
* curl
* ctype
* calendar
* bcmath
* zlib
* openssl
* apache2handler
* suhosin
* SourceGuardian
* ionCube Loader
* Zend Optimizer