I had a trouble using the content mod:
if I tried to modify a previous published text, the text were reloaded into the form uncorrectrly, because the ' character trimmed out the remaining text. I had a solution editing the
function into the control definition scripts like
function render() {
//previously was:
//return "getName()."' id='".$this->getName()."' size='".$this->getSize()."' maxlength='".$this->getMaxlength()."' value='".$this->getValue()."'".$this->getExtra()." />";
//now is:
return ".$this->getName()."' id='".$this->getName()."' size='".$this->getSize()."' maxlength='".$this->getMaxlength()."' value=\"".$this->getValue()."\"".$this->getExtra()." />";
Knows anybody a better solution?