XOOHS? Where are they Now?

As you may notice many times the core developers as well as module developers find themselve reproducing code from a previous corridor/historical timeline.

We even found this with making orginally our own CMS for chronolabs where these days we use xoops.

At one point and it seems to still report itself running in a previous historical duct the XOOPS installation in xoohs (eXtensible Object orientated Heath Systems) this is the version of XOOPS for hospitals and heath system, packed full of 0-day heath solution with green environmentally friendly nanoscience and so on. That robots not normally in your physical biological existence, unless they are removing what does exist (Software virii' mimicing biological systens) or nanosurgery, don't by a surgeon and nanotech systems with relation to footfall..

If someone would like to comence exploring 0-day heath (where the term 0-day is a medical term for 0-day solution to heath requirements) let me know I can register you in the .net if you want something like xoohs.net the .com is still running..
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