XoopsImage and image manipulation


I suspect this isn't exactly the best place to post this question, but I can't find anyplace else that seems better...

I need to do some image manipulation in a module I'm working on. I see in the XOOPS API that there are some objects named XoopsImage(etc), but the documentation is a bit sparse and the classes don't seem to be fully developed (to my inexperienced eyes).

Specifically, what I'm hoping to do is copy and resize an existing image on the file system and it seemed like XoopsImage would be just the tool, but I cannot figure out how to use it.

Does anyone on this list know how to do what I'm trying to do? I could probably do it with some of my own code, but I'd rather use the built-in tools (for a variety of reasons).

Thanks in advance.

Ted Stresen-Reuter

Re: XoopsImage and image manipulation
  • 2008/10/16 22:35

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

In XcGal (picmgmt.inc.php) are from the uploaded picture a thumbnail and normal size image generated (but not with XOOPSImage).

Re: XoopsImage and image manipulation

Thanks for the pointer. As luck would have it, I had already downloaded and explored that exact module. While waiting for some pointers on XoopsImage, I've implemented my solution using ImageMagick.

Thanks for getting back to me though. Much appreciated!



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