New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/8/26 23:36

  • AndyM

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I didn't put this "announcement" in the news as this module is still pre-alpha, and I would just like some feedback on it before I go any further...

Basically, AM Mini Gallery is a gallery module that allows you to put a dynamic gallery into any module's page where there is text output that's passed through the XOOPS text sanitizer class. This means that it should, in theory, work with more or less any module.

How does it work - first you create at least one gallery, then upload images and add them to a gallery. You go to a module's admin/edit page, whether it's my Articles module, or the news module for example, and simply place a tag in the page, and save it. The tag is in the format of {gallery|1} where the 1 is a unique ID number representing a gallery.

There is a slight "problem" (if you want to call it that), where the /class/module.textsanitizer.php file that is included with your XOOPS distribution has to have 3 lines of code added, to make it work. Presently, I do not know of a way around this.

I have one gallery in two modules on my site, in Newshere and Articles here.

You can down load the module as it is from here.

I would appreciate feedback for it - Please remember that this is for testing only and not for live production sites. You download and install at your own risk and any data loss, etc., well, you know the rest...

Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/8/27 7:36

  • riosoft

  • Not too shy to talk

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Thanx Andy.. testing!

Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/8/29 13:26

  • AndyM

  • Quite a regular

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Is there really not that much interest in this module, and me furthering it? There have only been 9 downloads, and no other comments on it, at all...

Is the fact that people have to modify a file in the XOOPS package an issue?

Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/8/29 15:26

  • phppp

  • XOOPS Contributor

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The idea is pretty cool, matching some new engine in XOOPS 3.
Look forward to the module.

Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/8/29 16:24

  • pacho

  • Quite a regular

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Interesting idea, but what is the difference between your module and hook hack from extgallery?

Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/9/1 16:39

  • AndyM

  • Quite a regular

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pacho wrote:
Interesting idea, but what is the difference between your module and hook hack from extgallery?

Hmm, I didn't know extGallery had anything like this as a feature. I had a scout around, but found little in the way of info on extGallery and/or its hook at all, so I downloaded it and had a look at the hook's docs.

It seems that extGallery's hook only inserts one image (I've only had a brief look, so I could be wrong), whereas my module will insert a gallery of images.

My module only does this, and has no other front end, so is more "lightweight". There is also less code to insert to get it working (but this will change to do the lightbox2 part properly).

It's only really meant where an admin would want to put a small gallery of images into a page.

Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/9/1 20:29

  • kakos

  • Friend of XOOPS

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I start to develop a site about wildlife travels. Many articles has a photo which fill the half of article and has some similar thumbs (here is the point) at the bottom.
My first thought (for thumbnails only) was the extgallery and the hook hack. Because I have no need of a gallery and as you say above, your module is more "lightweight", I think fits perfect to my needs... probably with less code.


Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery

there is a beta version?

Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/12/30 15:15

  • Anonymous

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Hi AndyM .. nice idea

Any new version ? I hope to make it global hook so we can select from other gallery modules ( myalbum, xcgal, extgal, ... etc )

Re: New module (almost) - AM Mini Gallery
  • 2008/12/30 16:59

  • AndyM

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 296

  • Since: 2003/8/31

Sorry, I've not had chance to touch it (or anything else) lately.

The one I released was mainly a proof of concept, and really needs cleaning up and doing properly before it goes to beta.

I'll announce here when there's a new release.


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