2008/5/15 11:56
Friend of XOOPS
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2008/5/15 12:25
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2008/5/15 18:51
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2008/5/15 21:15
Not too shy to talk
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Since: 2005/10/28
kris_fr wrote:HelloLook this smarty plugin --> http://www.frxoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1491@++
2008/5/15 21:41
Disallow: /modules/
2008/5/15 22:19
2008/5/16 7:28
kris_fr wrote:Also for multilanguage --> http://www.dugris.info/modules/news/article.php?storyid=35&page=1 (refresh in same page)
2008/5/16 10:41
2008/5/16 22:07
2008/5/17 6:03
To change language without changing the page in progress.With arrived of the new theme based on the architecture of morphogenesis, the blocks of the modules (xlanguage and smartlanguage) are very often abandoned with the profit of direct links in the themes.These direct links in the theme do not make it possible to remain on the current page during a change of language, here thus a plugin smarty which will enable you to change language while remaining on the current page.
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