I have taken it upon myself to redo the Private Message system and hopefully have this included as part of the XOOPS Core. If Not, I will release it as a core hack instead.
I am asking the XOOPS community for items they would like incorporated into the new system. Some of the features that are already part of it are as follows:
1. Smarty Template: The whole pm system will use smarty templates for easier designing and modifications.
2. XOOPS v2.30 and v3 ready with a few changes.
3. You will be able to Save, Store, Trash, Delete, Track and mark as Read and unread all private messages. Plus many other features to help keep your PM box nice and fresh.
4. Buddy System: You will be able to add users to a buddy system, ban users and send private message to multiple buddies.
5. Better Administration: As the admin you will be able to set a) Inbox limits,
b) How many PM that can be sent per day,
c) Purging PM's: You will be able to purge PM sent by date etc.
6. Secure: Will encode and decode messages so no one can read them via database etc.
7. Page navigation: Will use page navigation for inboxes etc.
These are not the full list, but the main items for the moment.
So ideas please and make them reasonable requests lol
John (Aka Catzwolf)