WFDownloads problems
  • 2008/1/4 18:16

  • wellstuck

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2007/11/14

I am having trouble with WFDownloads. I have uploaded a .pdf file and then tried to download it and it wouldn't allow me to as it said unknown file type. I then decided to put this pdf into a zip file and uploaded the zip file. This seems to have worked and it shows in my download section, however, when i try to download the file it downloads under another name and gives me a blank file containing nothing. To help explain, I upload a zip file called Our Book.zip and when it downloads it has renamed it Our Book&039.zip. I havent got a clue why it renames it with &039 in the title but I have deleted and started again, uploading different files and it keeps renaming it with the &039 on the title and gives me a blank page every time. Is this a permissions problem ? I have checked the permissions and they seem to be fine

Re: WFDownloads problems

&039; (single quote)

Are you putting any quotes around the file?
I also notice you have a space in the file name?

Our Book.zip ???


Re: WFDownloads problems

as far as i know
you can not use files with any punchuations, marks, or spaces in the filename

What i have done is created an excell spread sheet for each item i have in my downloads section
this sheet cross referrances all my files with a specific NUMBER.zip or NUMBER.fileextention

No spaces. also no way for would be hackers and torrent users to find the files by searching

Re: WFDownloads problems
  • 2008/1/6 17:59

  • wellstuck

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2007/11/14

Thanks a lot lads, I have re uploaded with _ instead of spaces and its working fine.

Much appreciated


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