A better approach for Polls
  • 2003/2/8 13:40

  • RicoCali

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 120

  • Since: 2002/7/29

I've seen some polls that really makes sense. You would vote then submit...and the graphical results is presented on the block. The graphical results stays permanent for that particular poll and never displays the poll question again because there is no reason for you to vote twice.

The current poll in XOOPS ask you the question and then takes you to the page with a graphical representation of the result and if you already voted it tells you that you already voted. There's alot of ineffeciencies of events going on here. First, when it goes to that page look at all that wasted space when it fits perfectly on the block. Second, why should it say "you already voted"? Why not just have the graphical result on the block if the person had already voted?

Re: A better approach for Polls
  • 2003/2/8 13:50

  • w4z004

  • XOOPS Advisor

  • Posts: 340

  • Since: 2001/12/13

We thinked in this many time ago.
For now is not posible and i'm not sure if go to make this feature for now.

The seccond is a really good suggest , i need think this because i like add a new preference to the polls for the admin have the posibility of vote only 1 time , or vote 1 time by day.
for this i need think if remove the redirection and go direct to the results or not.

But are a excelent suggest.

Re: A better approach for Polls
  • 2003/2/8 13:54

  • RicoCali

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 120

  • Since: 2002/7/29


w4z004 wrote:
But are a excelent suggest.

Gracias Sergio..


...We thinked in this many time ago.
For now is not posible...

It is possible...you guys are the best! But I see that this makes sense. Why can't you display the graphical result on the block? I see other polls do it.

Thank you for listening...

Re: A better approach for Polls
  • 2003/2/8 14:00

  • w4z004

  • XOOPS Advisor

  • Posts: 340

  • Since: 2001/12/13

i never say that we can't only say that for now is not posible.
you need think in many factors, the principal factor, the QUERIES.

Re: A better approach for Polls
  • 2003/2/8 14:03

  • RicoCali

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 120

  • Since: 2002/7/29

But that is already done. When you redirect to the page with the graphical result...(10% yes 90% no) all that information is already there. Just post it on the block instead of a separate page.

Re: A better approach for Polls
  • 2003/12/23 4:23

  • zer0fill

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2003/12/2

i'm with RicoCali on this one. there are a lot of sites that do this such as http://xbox-scene.com (just for example, doubt they use xoops). users will get the same info in the small right or left block as they do with a full-page center block.


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