thanks zyspec
but it is not working ....the page stop loading half page and didn't show my data
actually the template that i'm trying to modify is the smartsection_items_spot.html block from the smartsection module
based on your code above...what i put in my template is like below
<{foreach item=item from=$block.items name=lp}>
<{if $smarty.foreach.lp.first}><table><{/if}>
<{if $smarty.foreach.lp.iteration % 3 == 1 }><tr><{/if}>
<{include file="db:smartsection_singleitem_block.html" item=$item}>
<{if $smarty.foreach.lp.iteration % 3 == 3 }>tr><{/if}>
<{if $smarty.foreach.lp.last}>
<{if ($smarty.foreach.lp.iteration % 3) < 3 }>
<td colspan="<{(3 - ($smarty.foreach.lp.iteration % 3))}>">td>}><{/if}>
i turned on the smarty template debug and nothing show up
can you test the code or can you point me to a easy smarty template article on this
ps: sorry for my poor english...