The past week it has been impossible to login on my XOOPS-community. This goes for users as well as myself being and admin. I can actually login but the redirection does'nt work. The strange part of this is that the only thing I know I have done is to back up my site, downloading a complete backup zip-file and downloading a copy of the database.
The reason for making this backup was for installing a copy of the site. I am using v. 2.2.x and have never got it working properly. A year ago I tried to downgrade but that only resulted in a total mess. So now I installed a mirror of my site at a different domain, just for trying to resolve this downgrade problem. The mirror site has the same problem with the log in/redirection.
I have been talking to my web hosting support and they clame there is no problem at the server side.
Greatful for any help to solve this problem as soon as possible!