On to the next project...
We have a need to create a "book" of sorts.
Each page will be similar to a one-page data sheet:
Several paragraphs of text and a few images. The layout would be standard for all the sheets. Each sheet would be a unique part number...
There would be several "families" of these parts.
The problem I see is managing the access to the sheets by the visitor; i.e., one 'family' would have 600+ sheets...another perhaps 350.
We could use something like SmartSection to create individual article pages...but we wouldn't want to throw up a list of 600 articles...rather a search by part number to display the correct sheet.
Any thoughts on a neat and clean way to implement this "parts book" project?
There is no buying or selling here...it is just a reference book.
Maybe a commerce module for the catalog, but taking out all the 'commerce' pieces may be a task.