Just reconfigure mainfile.php!
You will need to change the path to the server, e.g.
define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', 'usr/home/username/public_html');
Then change the database details, hostname should in most cases stay the same, username, just put your new username and then your new password, and finally the database name you were worried about.
Look around about line 143
// Database Hostname
// Hostname of the database server. If you are unsure, 'localhost' works in most cases.
define('XOOPS_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
// Database Username
// Your database user account on the host
define('XOOPS_DB_USER', 'username_user');
// Database Password
// Password for your database user account
define('XOOPS_DB_PASS', 'password');
// Database Name
// The name of database on the host. The installer will attempt to create the database if not exist
define('XOOPS_DB_NAME', 'username_xoops');
Make sure you keep the table prefix the same!
If you do get stuck I will give you a hand as I was in your position once!