I've worked a little on lifetype integration with xoops. The latest version use a data provider which can be "easily" overriden.
The following code will allow you to use the XOOPS database for lifetype authentication (single registration).
If anyone is interested I'd be pleased to find someone to work with.
$xoopsOption['nocommon'] = true;
include_once dirname(__FILE__)."/../../mainfile.php";
// XOOPS include
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userdata/baseuserdataprovider.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/database/db.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );
* Model representing the users in our application. Provides the methods such as
* authentication and querying for users.
class XoopsUserDataProvider extends BaseUserDataProvider
var $_db;
var $_prefix;
* Initializes the model
function XoopsUserDataProvider ( $providerConfig )
{ // echo "XoopsUserDataProvider
$this->BaseUserDataProvider( $providerConfig );
// initialize the database connection based on our parameters
$config = $this->getProviderConfiguration();
$user = $config->getValue( "user" );
$pass = $config->getValue( "password" );
$host = $config->getValue( "host" );
$db = $config->getValue( "database" );
$this->_prefix = $config->getValue( "prefix" );
$this->_db =& Db::getNewDb( $host, $user, $pass, $db );
* Returns true if the user is in the database and the username
* and password match
* @param user Username of the user who we'd like to authenticate
* @param pass Password of the user
* @return true if user and password correct or false otherwise.
function authenticateUser( $user, $pass )
{ // echo "authenticateUser
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users WHERE uname = '".Db::qstr( $user )."'
AND pass = '".md5( $pass )."' AND level > 0";
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
if( !$result )
return false;
$ret = ($result->RecordCount() == 1);
return true;
return false;
* Returns all the information associated to the user given
* @param user Username of the user from who we'd like to get the information
* @param pass Password of the user we'd like to get the information
* @return Returns a UserInfo object with the requested information, or false otherwise.
function getUserInfo( $user, $pass )
{// echo "getUserInfo
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users WHERE uname = '".Db::qstr( $user )."'
AND pass = '".md5( $pass )."'";
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
if( !$result )
return false;
$row = $result->FetchRow();
return( $this->_mapUserInfoObject( $row ));
* Retrieves the user information but given only a username
* @param username The username of the user
* @return Returns a UserInfo object with the requested information, or false otherwise.
function getUserInfoFromUsername( $username )
{// echo "getUserInfoFromUsername
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users WHERE uname = '".Db::qstr( $username )."'";
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
if( !$result )
return false;
if( $result->RowCount() == 0 ){
return false;
$row = $result->FetchRow();
return( $this->_mapUserInfoObject( $row ));
* Retrieves the user infromation but given only a userid
* @param userId User ID of the user from whom we'd like to get the information
* @return Returns a UserInfo object with the requested information, or false otherwise.
function getUserInfoFromId( $userid, $extendedInfo = false )
{ // echo "getUserInfoFromId
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userpermissions.class.php" );
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users WHERE uid = '".Db::qstr( $userid )."'";
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
if( !$result )
return false;
$row = $result->FetchRow();
// fetch the user permissions
//$perms = new UserPermissions();
//$row["site_admin"] = $perms->isSiteAdmin( $userid );
return( $this->_mapUserInfoObject( $row ));
* Adds a user to the database.
* @param user An UserInfo object with the necessary information
* @return Returns the identifier assigned to the user, or false if there was any error. It will also modify the
* UserInfo object passed by parameter and set its database id.
function xoopsAddBlog( $row )
{ // echo "addBlog
// create a new blog
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/blogs.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/bloginfo.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articles.class.php" );
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/articlecategories.class.php" );
$blogs = new Blogs();
$blog = new BlogInfo( $row["user"], // name of the new blog
$row["id"], // id of the owner
"", // no about
""); // no properties either
$newBlogId = $blogs->addBlog( $blog );
// add a default category and a default post
$articleCategories = new ArticleCategories();
$articleCategory = new ArticleCategory( "General", "", $newBlogId, true );
$catId = $articleCategories->addArticleCategory( $articleCategory );
$config =& Config::getConfig();
$locale =& Locales::getLocale( $config->getValue( "default_locale" ));
$articleTopic = $locale->tr( "register_default_article_topic" );
$articleText = $locale->tr( "register_default_article_text" );
$article = new Article( $articleTopic,
Array( $catId ),
"welcome" );
$t = new Timestamp();
$article->setDateObject( $t );
$articles = new Articles();
$articles->addArticle( $article );
* Map the XOOPS user class with the lifetype user
* @private
* @param xoopsUsr the XOOPS user object to be mapped
* @return The method returns a UserInfo object build from the XOOPS information
function _mapUserInfoObject( $row, $extraInfo = false )
{ // echo "map
include_once( PLOG_CLASS_PATH."class/dao/userpermissions.class.php" );
$row["user"] = $row["uname"];
$row["password"] = $row["pass"];
$row["email"] = $row["email"];
$row["about"] = $row["bio"];
$row["full_name"] = $row["firstname"]. " " . $row["name"];
$row["resource_picture_id"] = 0;
$row["properties"] = serialize(Array());
$row["id"] = $row["uid"];
$row["status"] = ($row["level"] > 0) ? USER_STATUS_ACTIVE : USER_STATUS_DISABLED;
$row["site_admin"] = ($row["level"] == 5) ? 1:0 ;
// does this phpbb user have a blog yet? If so, create one if the configuration
// of the user data provider says so
$providerConfig = $this->getProviderConfiguration();
if( $providerConfig->getValue( "createBlogIfNotExisting" )) {
$userInfo = BaseUserDataProvider::mapRow( $row, true );
// check if this user is assigned to any blog
$userBlogs = $userInfo->getBlogs();
$this->log->debug("phpbb: checking if user ".$row["user"]." has at least one blog..." );
if( empty($userBlogs )) {
$this->log->debug( "phpbb: creating new blog for user!" );
$this->xoopsAddBlog( $row );
$userInfo->setBlogs( $this->getUsersBlogs( $userInfo->getId()));
else {
$this->log->debug("he already has one!!!");
else {
$userInfo = BaseUserDataProvider::mapRow( $row );
return( $userInfo );
* Returns an array with all the users available in the database
* @param status
* @param includeExtraInfo
* @param page
* @param itemsPerPage
* @return An array containing all the users.
function getAllUsers( $status = USER_STATUS_ALL, $searchTerms = "", $page = -1, $itemsPerPage = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE )
{ // echo "getAllUsers
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users WHERE uid >= 0 ORDER BY uid ASC";
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query, $page, $itemsPerPage );
$users = Array();
while ($info = $result->FetchRow( $result ))
array_push( $users, $this->_mapUserInfoObject( $info ));
return $users;
* Updates the information related to a user
* @param userInfo An UserInfo object containing the already udpated information of the
* user we would like to update.
* @return Returns true if ok or false otherwise.
function updateUser( $userInfo )
{ return false;
$query = "UPDATE ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users SET ".
//"uname = '".Db::qstr($userInfo->getUserName())."', ".
//"email = '".Db::qstr($userInfo->getEmail())."', ".
"pass = '".Db::qstr($userInfo->getPassword())."' ".
"WHERE uid = '".Db::qstr($userInfo->getId())."'";
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
if( !$result )
return false;
BaseUserDataProvider::updateUser( $userInfo );
return( $result );
return false;
* Adds a user to the database.
* @param user An UserInfo object with the necessary information
* @return Returns the identifier assigned to the user, or false if there was any error. It will also modify the
* UserInfo object passed by parameter and set its database id.
function addUser( &$user )
// update the phpbb table
$password = $user->getPassword();
$query = "INSERT INTO ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users (uname,pass,email)
VALUES ($id, '".Db::qstr($user->getUserName())."','".md5($user->getPassword())."','".
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
if( !$result )
return false;
$user->setId( $id );
// update plog's phpbb2_user table
$this->updatepLogPHPBB2UserData( $user );
return( $id );
return false;
* Removes users from the database
* @param userId The identifier of the user we are trying to remove
function deleteUser( $userId )
return false;
* returns the total number of users
* @return total number of users
function getNumUsers( $status = USER_STATUS_ALL )
{ // echo "getNumUsers
// :TODO:
// add the status check here!
$query = "SELECT COUNT(uid) AS total FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users";
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
// return no users if this doesn't work!
if( !$result )
return 0;
$row = $result->FetchRow();
if( $row["total"] == "" )
$row["total"] = 0;
return( $row["total"] );
* check if the email account has been registered
* @return true if the email account has been registered
function emailExists($email)
{ // echo "emailExists
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users WHERE email = '".Db::qstr($email)."'";
$result = $this->_db->Execute( $query );
if( !$result )
return false;
$ret = ($result->RecordCount() > 0);
return $ret;
* Returns an array with all the users that belong to the given
* blog.
* @param blogId The blog identifier.
* @param includeOwner Wether to include the owner of the blog or not.
* @return An array with the information about the users who belong in
* one way or another to that blog.
function getBlogUsers( $blogId, $includeOwner = true, $status = USER_STATUS_ALL )
{ // echo "getBlogUsers
$users = Array();
// get the information about the owner, if requested so
if( $includeOwner ) {
$query = "SELECT ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users.* FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users, ".$this->_prefix."blogs
WHERE ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users.uid = ".$this->_prefix."blogs.owner_id AND ".$this->_prefix."blogs.id = '".Db::qstr($blogId)."';";
$result = $this->Execute( $query );
if( !$result )
return false;
$row = $result->FetchRow();
array_push( $users, $this->_mapUserInfoObject( $row ));
// now get the other users who have permission for that blog.
$query2 = "SELECT ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users.* FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users, ".$this->_prefix."users_permissions
WHERE ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_users.uid = ".$this->_prefix."users_permissions.user_id
AND ".$this->_prefix."users_permissions.blog_id = '".Db::qstr($blogId)."';";
$result2 = $this->Execute( $query2 );
if( !$result2 ) // if error, return what we have so far...
return $users;
while( $row = $result2->FetchRow()) {
array_push( $users, $this->_mapUserInfoObject($row));
return $users;
* Returns an array of BlogInfo objects with the information of all the blogs to which
* a user belongs
* @param userId Identifier of the user
* @return An array of BlogInfo objects to whom the user belongs.
function getUsersBlogs( $userid, $status = BLOG_STATUS_ALL )
{ // echo "getUsersBlogs
return parent::getUsersBlogs($userid,$status);
* Returns all the blogs defined for the site in an array, sorted by its
* blog identifier.
* @param status
* @param searchTerms
* @param page
* @param itemsPerPage
* @return Returns an array with all the blogs defined for this site. The array
* is sorted by the blog identifier, so that $blogs[$blogId] will give us the information
* of the blog with $blogId as its identifier.
function getAllBlogs( $status = BLOG_STATUS_ALL, $blogCategoryId = ALL_BLOG_CATEGORIES, $searchTerms = "", $page = -1, $itemsPerPage = DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_PAGE ) {
$blogs = new Blogs();
return $blogs->getAllBlogs($status,$blogCategoryId,$searchTerms,$page,$itemsPerPage);