user level file access
  • 2007/1/6 22:31

  • mario

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/12/29

i am in desperate need of your help.

i am in the following situation.

i have 10 files
i have 10 users
each user has 1 file they are allowed to open

how can i control files so that only 1 user can see one file that i upload?

Re: user level file access

Here's one way, but it'll need you to do some programming.

1/ Install SmartProfile (find it on this website - look in the XOOPS News section)

2/ Add a field to it that is editable by admin and has name of file for each user.

3/ Create a simple module (Use XBS Modgen to create the skeleton) that has no user side or admin side but has one block. In that block program a link that looks up the file for the currently logged on user and presents a link to it. The browser will take care of the download.

4/ Install the module and block and off you go.

PS You could shortcut 1 and 2 by naming each user's file with a standard name suffixed by the user id of the user, e.g. userfile1, userfile14 etc etc.

Re: user level file access
  • 2007/1/13 15:42

  • mario

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/12/29

What would you charge to do this for me?

You can PM me.

Re: user level file access
  • 2007/1/13 16:48

  • mario

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/12/29

maybe you can help me out here.

"In that block program a link that looks up the file for the currently logged on user and presents a link to it"

this part i am stuck on.


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