Hi there!
I'm not quite sure, what is Your knowledge about databases...
How to create and configure database in sourceforge environment, You can find right here:
https://sourceforge.net/docs/E07/en/#mysqlAs You see, creation and maintenance is made by special tools, not by simply copying database files.
I assume that Yours project is "tbgengine-suite", so probably:
Database host: mysql4-t
Database name: t[projectID]_[name_given_by_U]
Database_user: t[projectID]admin
Database User Password: "specified by the project administrator on the database admin page, must be initially set here and can be changed at any time"
What You have to do, is create database in sourceforge, export data from existing databases environment and import to the new one, setting these parameters to mainfile.
define('XOOPS_DB_HOST', 'mysql4-t');
define('XOOPS_DB_USER', 't[projectID]admin');
define('XOOPS_DB_PASS', 'WinniThePooch');
define('XOOPS_DB_NAME', 't[projectID]_[name_given_by_U]');