Howdy folks!
We've got XOOPS 2.2.5 RC2 installed on a test platform (NOT on the live site), and a few members of
http://www.golden-road.net and myself have formed a "beta test team" so we can go through and look at everything, and request new features, report bugs, etc. to not only try to help out the XOOPS community, but also to improve the site portion of a user's experience at Golden-Road.net (i.e. fix some bugs that are still buggin' us (like one of the supposed bug fixes in 2.2.5 RC2 concerning PMs, etc.))
I got these errors when trying to upgrade the system module....
ERROR: Could not insert field umode into the database. Duplicate column name 'umode'
ERROR: Could not insert field uorder into the database. Duplicate column name 'uorder'
ERROR: Could not insert field notify_method into the database. Duplicate column name 'notify_method'
ERROR: Could not insert field notify_mode into the database. Duplicate column name 'notify_mode'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_regdate into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_regdate'
ERROR: Could not insert field posts into the database. Duplicate column name 'posts'
ERROR: Could not insert field attachsig into the database. Duplicate column name 'attachsig'
ERROR: Could not insert field timezone_offset into the database. Duplicate column name 'timezone_offset'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_mailok into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_mailok'
ERROR: Could not insert field theme into the database. Duplicate column name 'theme'
ERROR: Could not insert field actkey into the database. Duplicate column name 'actkey'
ERROR: Could not insert field last_login into the database. Duplicate column name 'last_login'
Updating user profile field default value...
xoops_module_update_system executed successfully.
Module System updated successfully.
Also, got this error when upgrading the PM module....
ERROR: Could not insert field pm_link into the database. Duplicate column name 'pm_link'
Module Private Messaging updated successfully.
And then the Profile module....
ERROR: Could not insert field user_aim into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_aim'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_icq into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_icq'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_from into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_from'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_sig into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_sig'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_viewemail into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_viewemail'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_yim into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_yim'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_msnm into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_msnm'
ERROR: Could not insert field bio into the database. Duplicate column name 'bio'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_intrest into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_intrest'
ERROR: Could not insert field user_occ into the database. Duplicate column name 'user_occ'
ERROR: Could not insert field url into the database. Duplicate column name 'url'
ERROR: Could not insert field newemail into the database. Duplicate column name 'newemail'
It says that the system is 2.13, and PM and Profile modules are still 0.1.
Did it really upgrade? Or did something really go wrong?
Thanks in advance.