Selling website using XOOPS core sytem
  • 2006/10/31 18:27

  • Djiman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 91

  • Since: 2006/7/26

Hi guys.
I have one simple question to any one with an answer.

By selling a website which is using XOOPS core system and different modules, is the person/owner breaching any GPL/GNU ?
it is only the website using XOOPS which is in question and not the code, and yet the website is using XOOPS system.!

Thanks for your feed back.

Re: Selling website using XOOPS core sytem
  • 2006/10/31 18:39

  • kaotik

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 861

  • Since: 2004/2/19

Think of it this way; What your selling is a service. Your client is paying you to design a web site. Choosing to base that website on XOOPS in no way affects your business relationship with your client, on the contrary, it's a very smart move.
You are not selling xoops, but your time and expertise to build a website.
Many people here use XOOPS to built sites for their clients.

Re: Selling website using XOOPS core sytem
  • 2006/10/31 19:26

  • Djiman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 91

  • Since: 2006/7/26

Kaotik; thanks you for the feed back.

It is an existing website, and not even 4 months old - (a baby, not even crawling yet ), - with an offer from a multi-national company.
The answer to them could be "no, sir thank you very much for your offer."
or, I sell it.
the domain worth some money and I always trade mark things ( a bad habit trade marking - )

If I don't sell them, - they have the $, they can come in with something similar and destroy the existing one.
I know they are after the domain and concept.. Again they want the whole site.

It would have been easier if they had asked for the domain straight away .

Re: Selling website using XOOPS core sytem

Just because it uses GNU/GPL software doesn't mean that it has to be sold for nothing.

If you have built something that someone else wants to pay for, you can sell it. No problem there.

I could even sell the module, I released earlier today. Nothing in the GNU/GPL prevents me from charging $100 for granting people a downloadable copy. However, I cannot restrict what the buyer does with it - so they can put it up for free download and I can do nothing about it.

I can also tell people that I can sell them a website even if all I'll be doing is send them a copy of XOOPS with a theme and modules that I download from xoops.org - that would not breach any license either. It would be rather stupid of them to pay for what they can download, but it would not be against any rules.

If you have a website that you can get (enough) money for, then what they are buying is:
1) The domain
2) The concept
3) Your work in setting it up
4) Your visitors

And that should be worth something. If it is worth more than the company is willing to pay, you should keep it - but if the offer is good enough, I'd say go for it. (This obviously depends on how much time, effort and love, you have put into the site, concept etc. and how things are progressing - I mean, the YouTube guys probably loved their site and watching it grow, but seriously, enough money can buy a lot of love )

If it all goes haywire after the buy, you can always build a new site, the way _you_ want it done

Anyway, it's your choice, XOOPS will love you either way.
"When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary."

Cusix Software

Re: Selling website using XOOPS core sytem
  • 2006/11/1 14:01

  • Djiman

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 91

  • Since: 2006/7/26

Thanks guys,
I will see what I can do and try get the most out of it.
Until I know what exactly they want and or meet them up to discuss , nothing has happen.

Effort ! one whole year of work on that with less than four months active, and phase by phase in the right direction..

Selling off the whole thing is always a better option.
The money is best when you need it to invest in other projects and xmas is around. - they will have to pay..


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