How do I chmod on Windows Servers to make Xoops work?
  • 2006/9/6 2:14

  • johnnyCMS

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Started using Xoops, tried to make modules work. They install, but some say chmod to file 777. I know how to do this on Unix, but how can I get this to work on a Windows server? Is XOOPS not ready or are all the modules not ported to IIS and Windows? Thank you.

Re: How do I chmod on Windows Servers to make Xoops work?

you can try an ftp client if you have access to the server.

or have your isp do it for you.

Re: How do I chmod on Windows Servers to make Xoops work?
  • 2006/9/6 4:39

  • skenow

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Here's where to start for Xoops/IIS installs

Re: How do I chmod on Windows Servers to make Xoops work?
  • 2006/9/7 21:53

  • johnnyCMS

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  • Since: 2006/9/4 1


skenow wrote:
Here's where to start for Xoops/IIS installs

Thanks. Didn't really help though. It showed me how to install it. Sorry if I missed it.

Re: How do I chmod on Windows Servers to make Xoops work?
  • 2006/9/7 22:34

  • msdana

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To change folder permission on Windows Servers you need to go to your website control panel and change the permissions there. It can't be done via FTP software.

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Re: How do I chmod on Windows Servers to make Xoops work?
  • 2006/9/8 4:01

  • nekro

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i dont understand your question... in windows all the files are redeableand writeables for the server... not like unix... it should be working... have you tryed to make it work???

Re: How do I chmod on Windows Servers to make Xoops work?
  • 2006/9/8 7:36

  • McNaz

  • Just can't stay away

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There might be an issue with the IUSR_(machine) account not having the correct read access required. You might need to send an email to your webhosts and ask them to provide full permissions to the IIS service user to mainfile.php (initially) and the cache/templates_c/uploads folders.



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