Hello! From your post, I understand that you're using XOOPS in a lanugage that reads right-to-left and the administration panel is acting weird, and that the popup administration bars are showing up on the left side of the screen and not the right.
I'm using a different version of XOOPS (2.2.x), so I'm not sure exactly what id that div has, but try checking the code and find out if that popup menu has an "id" attribute. If so, search through the CSS file for that id. If there is an attribute "left", change it to "right", or if the attribute "right" already exists, place the value of "left" into "right".
Note that I'm assuming that you're using a standard version of Xoops. If you're using a localized version, you might get better help on your local support site. Click "Local Support" on the Community menu and find your local support team on the list.
Good luck with your site!
-zimmi88 =)
"Need coffee, keep away..."