Here are some specs:
http://www.GolfAlmanac.netI want to be able to create databases, (defining title, and column fields, and row fields, which will display as a static center block when called upon. BUT these records must be Admin editable after the database is created and records saved. I know a little about Dbases, but need a MySQL module interface that would write the code for me, and create pages when I need them, display them in the center of a page, surrounded by other blocks, and allow me to link to the pages…
See home page of above domain to see stats data menus I want to build and link from.
Title (field): 2006 PGA Majors Winners
Column 1(field): Name Type: text Num Char: 30
Column 2(field): Major Type: text Num Char: 30
Column 3(field): Score Type: text Num Char: 30
It would display data from menu on home page as:
Phil Mickelson Masters -10 (278)
Tiger Woods PGA -18 (270)
Jeff Ogilvy US Open -8 (280)
Tiger Woods British Open -15 (273)
Some records would have more or less fields, etc…it would have to be searchable also, so users can look up, for example, all “tiger woods pga”
Essentially, I want to be able to build searchable records and pages thru a module interface. Make sense??
I would think that there would be a separate dbase for PGA, LPGA, Champions, etc...and then input forms and records would be created for each league/ concern is that this will be huge record database over tine, with 40 events per league x 200 players x # years x #rounds per tourney, other performance stats per player, plus men/ladies golf records of the entire sport, etc...BUT I want to build a huge "Almanac" as the site domain name states...
Please email me at to discuss