I'm looking for an advanced php/mysql programmer who can fix a website with a XOOPS portal.
It's a XOOPS portal version that used to run on mysql3/php4/ensim.
It runs on PHP 5.1.4 / MySQL 4.1.19 / CPanel 10 now
Every attempt at upgrading makes it even worse.
Some of the things that aren't working:
- New user registrations don't work, trying to register tells you the user already exists, no matter what user you type in
- Phpmyads module: (modules/myAds) - can't add new ads. - the script sends massive emails to users when their add has expired, dozens a day, sometimes a few within 1 minute.
- "Comunicados" (modules/weblog) : can't post news, it says it is for registered users only, even being logged in as admin
- Pictures module (modules/myalbum): can't add new pictures
- modules/addresses: it's a module with files with data about companies, aka hotels, restaurants etc. We set their ID's from 0-1000 as paid customers, so they should pop first in the search results, but they don't.
- Can't update. Trying so gets many things broken, ads stop showing up and eventually nothing does. The first symptom of that happens when upgrading to the next version, 2.0.10, with header.php
There might be other problems I forgot.
If you are willing to upgrade our portal to latest version and fix those problems for a fee, please let me know and an estimated fee you are asking for
Note: the portal is in spanish