This is getting very frustrating. I've searched all over the forum posts and don't see anything even remotely close to addressing this issue.
I'm even having trouble finding the files where the following template variables are originally defined:
Maybe I'm just tired and I'm missing where those are defined. However, I've looked through many files.
I'm going to play around with the module.textsanitizer.php file, and try changing many of the target="_blank" entries to target="_self". I'm not a PHP programmer, and don't quite know what many of the patterns/replacements are referring to. However, maybe if I test one at a time I will get lucky and find one that resolves this (if the resolution is contained in that file). Or maybe, there is something that I can add to the template itself. Although, I've tried that already without success.
At this point, I'm out of ideas and don't know what else could be generating the target="_blank" behavior for these templates.
If anyone has any ideas or can send me in the right direction, I would much appreciate it.