have you included this in the xoops_version.php
// Admin things
$modversion['hasAdmin'] = 1;
$modversion['adminindex'] = "admin/index.php";
$modversion['adminmenu'] = "admin/menu.php";
hasadmin, will enable it.
the others are the path to the admin index page and menu etc.
also do you need the trailing slash?
a better method of doing the modversion configs is to use an array aswell.
$modversion['config'][] = array(
'name' => 'headshot_dir',
'title' => '_MI_ERUD_HSPATH_TITLE',
'description' => '_MI_ERUD_HSPATH_DESC',
'formtype' => 'textbox',
'valuetype' => 'text',
'default' => 'dir/');
by using the array, you don't need to worry about the [1] numbers etc for positioning the field in the preferences, the fields will always be displayed in the order of each array.
also note, once you have installed the module, and the values are set, updating the module again will not change the default value if it was changed in xoops_version.php, the default value is only set when the module is 1st installed.. once the config table has that data, it doesn't change it again unless you change it in preferences manually..