Notifications error
  • 2006/5/4 20:37

  • Xman04

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12


When I click on "Notifications" under my User menu on the home page, I receive a blank page and the following errors:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: smartsection_seo_genurl() in /home/...../public_html/modules/smartsection/include/notification.inc.php on line 48

Notice [PHP]: Undefined offset: 1 in file modules/news/include/notification.inc.php line 38

I'm not sure when the source of this problem started, since I clicked on notifications for the first time in quite a while. The site isn't open to the public yet.

I did a search here, but couldn't find any solutions to this error. I few other people have mentioned a similar problem.

Does anyone know of a solution to this or why it is occurring? My XOOPS version is


Re: Notifications error - *Serious*
  • 2006/5/5 2:57

  • Xman04

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12

Ok, now this really makes no sense. I told my partner about the problem, and she logged in and could not duplicate the error. Her notifications page worked fine.

I made a new account for myself, with all of the same settings of my original master account. The new account did not generate the errors, but my original account still generated the errors even with the same exact settings.

The only difference between the two accounts was that articles were posted under the account that generated the errors. Well, I tried posting some articles under the new account name, and then the error starting appearing under that account name too. To make matters more confusing, the errors do not go away even after I delete the articles. In fact, the error occurs even while posting or modifying a News 1.44 article, not just when I click on notifications in the user menu.

Thus, there is some problem with the notifications system that only appears after at least one article is initially posted. I'm not sure if this is a problem specifically with smartsection or News 1.44, or if it is a problem in the system core. The error messages so far are only specific to News 1.44 and Smartsection.

Anyway, this problem appears to be a very serious one. I don't think I can open my site to the public until it is resolved. Any ideas about this?


Re: Notifications error - *Serious*
  • 2006/5/5 10:04

  • Elohite

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2005/11/22

I have the same problem and I use SmartSection and not News

Re: Notifications error - *Serious*
  • 2006/5/6 6:03

  • Xman04

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 180

  • Since: 2004/7/12


I went to the Smart Factory site and found the solution to the smartsection end of the problem.

Here is the solution

Open the file smartsection/include/notification.inc.php and look for line (12), which is the following:

global $xoopsModule, $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsConfig;

Add the following after line 12:

include_once(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/smartsection/include/seo_functions.php");

**The above should be one line. The narrow margins of this post may incorrectly show it as more than one line.

If you don't use News 1.44, then this should fix your entire problem. I also use News 1.44, and I'm still receiving the following error message.

Notice [PHP]: Undefined offset: 1 in file modules/news/include/notification.inc.php line 38

However, this isn't a really big problem, since the error message doesn't show up once the PHP debugging is turned off. It would still be nice to resolve it, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. There are a few other issues though with the notifications system, but I may save them for another post, since they don't seem directly related to the above errors.



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