Did a fresh install of 2.2 a little while ago, but problems seems like a nightmare.
when new people try to register they get either: "No valid security token found" OR they get "could not register new users", all probably depending on what browser they are using.
Admin do not get any notification on whats happening "out there" Cause mail are not being sent from the site as notifications. Tried ALL diff. mail-settings.
When sending forms (Liaise 1.25) submitters email {EMAIL} or {NAME} is not on the recieved mail. Mail is being sent from admin at sitename.
Searched the forum for half a day without finding one reasonable answer - just questions to this
PHP debug is probably more confused that me, cause theres not anything from there.
PS. Last post i put here, i added notification by email
Guess what? I did not get any email..............