i had xoopsgallery working great and then poof it's broken
if i try and add an image i get the following
Processing status...
- Adding ss1.jpg
Error: Unable to make thumbnail (0)!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
if i do a detect on netpbm/imagemagick i get the following
Note: Your NetPBM directory (/usr/bin) is not in your open_basedir list (specified in php.ini):
So we can't perform all of our basic checks on the files to make sure that they exist and they're executable.
We are going to test each NetPBM binary individually. If you see errors, you should click here to see more details
Checking /usr/bin/giftopnm
Error! (Expected status: 0, but actually received status: 127)
Checking /usr/bin/jpegtopnm
Error! (Expected status: 0, but actually received status: 127)
Checking /usr/bin/pngtopnm
Error! (Expected status: 0, but actually received status: 127)
Checking /usr/bin/pnmcut
Error! (Expected status: 0, but actually received status: 127)
please advise