3 Questions - Help needed?
  • 2006/1/16 18:45


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 189

  • Since: 2004/12/12

Hi there!

I have three questions. But I don't know if I post it right.

Okey. I have downloaded the theme "Gold" and I'm using XOOPS 2.0

Now I want to change the left logo to my own. But the picture shrink if I use the same name as the XOOPS logo.

Q 1) Can I change the value so my picture will keep it's right size?

The next question is about the banner on the right side of the page.

Q 2: I have turned of the banner but it still keep the frame. Can I remove the frame?

The third question is about the whole homepage.

Q 3: Now the theme use a dark color as backgroundcolor. Can I somehow change that so I can use a picture instead?

I would be very happy if someone would help me.


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