How do i create new Pages?


I'm new to Xoops, it's installed on my webhost and everything, but i don't know how to create new pages aswell as edit the blank index page?

Could someone tell me how to do this?

Cheers, thanks a lot.

Re: How do i create new Pages?
  • 2006/1/14 12:27

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

It really depends what you want to put there... do you mean content such as text articles? Or something like a forum?

Basically you will need to install at least one module depending upon the sort of content you wish to use. If you can give a little more details on the type of content - we can assist you a little further.

Re: How do i create new Pages?
  • 2006/1/14 13:59

  • qbmike

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2006/1/13

hey i have the same question...i install the section module but i don't like how it format...
for an example,
this how they have it on the menu
section and then u have to click on that to go to different sections

instead i want something like Page1 by itself, Page2 by itself, and Page 3 by itself on the menu...you get what i'm saying?


Re: How do i create new Pages?
  • 2006/1/14 15:42

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

Which section module are you using?

Re: How do i create new Pages?
  • 2006/1/14 15:57

  • Lourdes

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2005/2/26


qbmike wrote:
instead i want something like Page1 by itself, Page2 by itself, and Page 3 by itself on the menu...you get what i'm saying?

I recommend installing the WF-Section module, if this is the type of set-up you are looking to create.

Re: How do i create new Pages?

Thanks for the advice.

I'm using the WF Section module now, it's installed on Xoops...

How do i create a page (using WF Section) to appear as the home page? (ie the page that is loaded when the site is first accessed, which is now currently white)?

Secondly, how do i create a link to a page from the Menu Bar?


Re: How do i create new Pages?
  • 2006/1/14 19:40

  • Lourdes

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2005/2/26

To set the WF Section as your main page, you need to log into your Admin Panel, then go into System Admin > General Settings

From there, you will find an option where you can select which module you would like to use as your start page.

Reference the FAQ link below to learn how to add custom links to your menu.



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