Hi everyone,
I presently have a XOOPS site which uses the XOOPS core and has news module 1.2.1 installed.
I have now created a new XOOPS site which uses the XOOPS core 2.2.3 Final in a different directory and has news module 1.44 .
If I backup my images (which are in the root/uploads) and put them in the new site, what part of the SQL code must I import into the new database for the images database in the new XOOPS site to work. (Also, have the colmuns in the SQL (in phpMyAdmin) changed or can I just do a clean dump and upload). I mean have the column titles been changed in the database or will they work fine. Does anyone know?
Sorry about the bad English.
Many thanx for any help given to a learning XOOPS student, once again.