I'd like to see a Spam-X type module for Xoops. I think everybody will agree that Comment Spam has gotten completely out of hand on the web, and there is a real need for such a Module for Xoops. There are several other CMS webapps and portals that have this available--notably GeekLog.
I have run the XF Guestbook module, configured to make all entries by approval only, and it is effective. But, I found myself running to the site several times a day for no other purpose than to delete submissions from evrything from porno sites to prescription drugs. There are actuall Bots that implant these entries--notable among them those operated by "The Bulgarians". It is an enterprize for which they get paid.
Spam-X operates differently, by comparing site entries to a known list of content spammers, which are automatically banned from posting guestbook, or any other entry, as well as being prevented from registering with your site. Good Spam-x Mods include an RSS feed and intersharing of Blacklists between subscribers, the best of which has, until recently, been BTBlacklist. This site has been shut down only because it is in the RSS intershare system and has basically outlived it's usefulness.
I might add here that Spam-X, as such, was originally designed for WordPress, and that basic has been wrapped for other CMS, Portal, and Blog apps.
What about it, Mod Hacks?